April 20, 2024 – Walt Williams
We just finished with the Mosaic. For you who did not get a chance to come, it was a wonderful night filled with short pieces from such classics as Olver!, Scarlet Pimpernel, Pride and Prejudice, Arcnic and Old Lace, and a few others. The event was to announce our 24/25 Season and to launch the voting for the 40th anniversary season, 25/26.
A few highlights. Kelli was able to reprise her role as the dragon in Reluctant Dragon. She played the character in Youth Summer Stock 15 years ago. The men who sang Cat Like Tread from Pirates of Penzance and Jon Wilson’s sword fight. (One of these days ask Jon about it.
My highlight was Sam playing Fake Luke. Luke and I introduced each other and Kelli to the audience as the new Master Arts staff. One night Luke’s daughter was in a play so Sam and I did the announcements. Sam got a name tag and claimed he was Luke. I decided to challenge him. I said, in my I-have-you-now voice, “Luke has a wife and two kids.” Sam paused and said, “I’m working on it.”
Two heroes stand out.
One, Becky. You did not see her on stage, but she organized 24 people practicing 13 different scenes, in three weeks. On top of directing a play as well as some of the pieces, we performed tonight. Have you ever had to try to herd 24 actors and actresses? Trust me, this woman is a hero.
The second hero is Rae. Not only did she help organize this event but she adapted two of the pieces, Pride and Prejudice and “Poe Party.” Although I was supposed to direct the “Poe Party,” the truth, is Rae did all the directing for this piece. And I am grateful for her help. On top of all this, Rae, for the first time, performed on our stage. She may have been nervous, but I was the one who messed up Shakespeare on stage, not Rae. She did a great job.
Overall, great successful night. Check out our website for more information on the 24/25 Season and the 40th anniversary.
Thanks, Walt (Newly crowned, Artistic Director)