I feel like a kid in the candy store. (Back when candy bars were a nickel apiece) You’ve probably heard we have a new printer at Master Arts. I printed 10, eight-page documents, two sided and the machine collated and STAPLED them.

Back in my day… we had to print the pages, an hour later, spread them across the big table to collate and pop the page edges on the table to make sure they were all even, and bruise my hand stapling. …and walk five miles to school, all uphill and in the snow.
I can actually print a document and not have to build Rome as I wait for the paper to come out. I no longer have to collate and worry if my insurance will cover the paper cuts. No more explaining, “When you read this, page 3 is where page 2 is supposed to be and page 4 is missing.”
Now for my next experiment… will it print the Actor’s Handbook? Double-sided, folded, and stapled in booklet form.
Happy as a Camper,

P.P.S. Thank the men and women at Noordeyk